헤드헌팅 회사인 벤처피플에서 외국계 F&B 기업 의뢰를 받고 하기 포지션을 진행하고 있으니 관심있는 학생들의 지원 바랍니다.
1. 회사명: Global F&B Company (** 추후 오픈 예정)
- 근무지: 서울 본사
2. 포지션명: Menu Manager (차~부장급)
- Report to Cheif of Marketing Officer (전무)
3. 직무
- Menu Design: Converting new menu idea into actionable tactical plans and/or product briefs for each function
A) External Information gathering from outside of the company
** To communicate with regional incl APMEA food studio and other market to find proven performers for the specific ideas ** To obtain all necessary info - product build, types of product, restaurant, supplier information (if possible) and other reference information B) Internal info gathering (from key internal departments) ** To obtain initial view point from all keys departments (Mktg, SCM and RSG) ** Based on above, to prepare detail actionable tactical plan and/or product brief ** Getting approval from TMT and sharing this tactical plan to each department ** Tactical plan or product brief should covers below i) Exactly what menu to be developed / ii) Product build / iii) Packaging option / iv) Gold standard implication / v) Restaurant procedure / vi) Estimated selling price / vii) Expected launch date / viii) Initial quantity to produce/order - Menu Development
A) Lead cross functional CFT (Mktg, SCM and RSG) for each menu
B) Managing overall timeline for menu development which should be pre agreed in menu design step C) Facilitating and coordinating processes in each function D) Scenario planning and discussion leading for both situations E) Getting approval from TMT with the final product - Follow actions after market launch
A) Post promotion analysis after launching
B) To advise key department for next steps - For example, supplier to continue to produce or not, Restaurant to continue order or not etc C) None performing item optimization D) Approval for any write off etc 4. 자격요건
- 4년제 대학 졸업자
- 원활한 영어 구사 가능자
- 유관 경력 10년 이상
- 음식/식품에 대한 관심도 높은자
- 창의력 있고, 상품기획력 보유자 우대
5. 제출서류: 업무 중심으로 작성된 영문이력서
6. 처우조건: 추후 협의
기타 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.
담당 Sr. Consultant 박은미 부장 (Amy Park) People Consulting Group/ Venture People Corp. Office: (Dir.) +82.2.785.0433 Cell: +82.10.5419.0663 E-mail: amy@ppcg.co.kr Homepage: www.ppcg.co.kr 3rd Fl., Yulchon Bldg., 24-1 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeunpo-gu, Seoul, Korea |